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احمد شهریار

قسم به عشق! نمی ترسم از نظربازی

که مرد بوده و شمشیر و شوقِ سربازی

من از حیات نفهمیده ام بغیر از مرگ

من از حیات نفهمیده ام مگر بازی

بلند می پرم و آسمان نمی فهمد

مرا که در قفس آموخت بال و پر بازی؟

در این دیار بجز من ندیده است به خود

اگر که عشق، اگر امتحان، اگر بازی

من آدمم ولی اعجازِ عشق می‌خواهم

که مشتِ کاهم و دارم سرِ شرربازی!

من آن نترس که آیینه زیست، در دلِ سنگ

من آن دلیر که می سازم از خطر، بازی

تو برده‌ای که من‌ات باختن بیاموزم

همیشه باخته‌ام من به رسمِ هربازی

جهانِ یکسره درهم رسیده است به تو

ز ننگ بگذر و با عیب کن هنربازی

Thirty Lessons from Ashura

Thirty Lessons from Ashura

1. Align yourself with right no matter the cost.

2. Enjoin good and forbid evil.

3. Love those who are good and befriend yourself to them.

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Lessons that we learn from Imam Hussain (a.s.) and Kerbala

Lessons that we learn from Imam Hussain (a.s.) and Kerbala

Among so many lessons mentioned that we can learn, we’ve choosen only 14 for today, in the name of 14 infallibles a.s.

1. DON’T ACCEPT HUMILIATION : In one of his speeches, Imam Hussein a.s. said that the authorities in Kufa had given him only two options - humiliation or death. He carried on to say, ‘And we do not accept humiliation’. A tradition reported by Imam Sadiq a.s records that, other than not accepting humiliation, Allah Almighty has given to believers a choice in all matters.

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Some Lessons from Karbala

Some Lessons from Karbala     



1. Importance of Amr Bil Maroof (Enjoining Good) and Nahi Anil Munkar (Forbidding Evil)

The event teaches us; not to waiver from the right path & not to panic while discharging obligations. One has to have conviction on the hereafter & focus ones mind on permanent consequences in the hereafter.

This has to be done irrespective of how big or strong the enemy is & irrespective of the consequences, but with the knowledge of what Shariat ( www.Islamic-laws.com) requires us to do under those circumstances.

One should never give up, for eg despite strength of Media or other social widespread ills, we need to continue to believe that we can overcome & continue to fight ,rather than give up saying that the enemy is strong & we cannot achieve anything by ourselves. One can at least begin with ones own family & then the surrounding environment. Know & Discharge your duties with whatever is in your capacity & leave the results to Allah (swt)

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Hussein (A): The End of a Tragedy or the Beginning of an Uprisin

When certain seasons of worship come around like the months of Ramadan and Muharram, it is very important that we re-evaluate ourselves to see what blessings we have gotten from them. Were they in proportion with the power of the season? Have we preserved these blessings? How can we best invest these blessings after the season is over? Many people are pleased with the condition they have at the time, without worrying about what will come after the season. The Devil is eager to take away whatever the believer has earned at the first possible opportunity. Are we cautious about that?

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