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السلام علیک یا باقر العلوم (ع)

السلام علیک یا باقر العلوم (ع)

سالروز شهادت مظلومانه حضرت امام محمد باقر العلوم علیه السلام

را به محضر حضرت امام صاحب الزمان (عج)،

رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی ومستضعفین جهان(مدظله العالی)

 و به تمام شیعیان جهان اسلام تسلیت عرض می کنیم


شهادت مظلومانه حضرت  امام محمد باقر العلوم علیه السلام

کے موقع پر هم حضرت امام صاحب الزمان (عج)،

رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی ومستضعفین جهان (مدظله العالی)

اور تمام شیعیان جهان کی خدمت میں تسلیت عرض کرتے هیں-


مدیریت وبلاگ


شهادت مظلومانه جواد الائمه

السلام علیک یا جواد الائمه(ع)

سالروز شهادت مظلومانه جواد الائمه حضرت امام محمد تقی علیه السلام

را به محضر حضرت امام صاحب الزمان (عج)،

رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی ومستضعفین جهان(مدظله العالی)

 و به تمام شیعیان جهان اسلام تسلیت عرض می کنیم


شهادت مظلومانه جواد الائمه حضرت امام محمد تقی علیه السلام

کے موقع پر هم حضرت امام صاحب الزمان (عج)،

رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی ومستضعفین جهان (مدظله العالی)

اور تمام شیعیان جهان کی خدمت میں تسلیت عرض کرتے هیں-


مدیریت وبلاگ


‌زندگینامه امام علی (ع)


ALI ( peace be up on him )

His agnomen: The believers’ prince
His title’s: Abul- Hassan “Al- Hassan’s father” Abul- Hassanain “Al- Hassanain’s father” Abus- sibtain “As-sibtain’s father” Abu- turaab.
His father’s name: Abu talib “the prophet’s uncle”, Abd Munaf the son of abdilmuttalib.
His mother’s name: Fatima, the daughter of Assad.
His birth day: He was born on Friday, the thirteenth of rajab month.
His birth place: He was born in the house of God “El- Kabal- Musharrafeh” the exalted Kaba.
His birth year: He was born in the thirteenth year after the elephant’s year.
His decease day: He died on Thursday - night the twenty- first of ramadaan month.
His deceas year: He died in the fourteen A.H.
His age: He was sixty-three years old.
His death reason: He was killed by the sword of muljim’s son during his prayer in Kufeh mosque.
His cemetery: He is burried in Najaf ashraf.


For Details plz click on this link



"Al-Ghadir" and its Relevance to Islamic Unity

"Al-Ghadir" and its Relevance to Islamic Unity

Ayatullah Mortaza Motahhari

Translated by Mojgan Jalali

Message of Thaqalayn

Vol. 3, No. 1 and 2 (1417 AH/1996 CE)

The distinguished book entitled "al-Ghadir" has raised a huge wave in the world of Islam. Islamic thinkers shed light on the book in different perspectives; in literature, history, theology, tradition, tafsir, and sociology. From the social perspective we can deal with the Islamic unity.

In this review the Islamic unity has been dealt with from a social point of view. Contemporary Muslim thinkers and reformists are of the view that unity and solidarity of Muslims are the most imperative Islamic exigencies at the present juncture when the enemies have made extensive inroads upon the Islamic community and have tried to resort to different ways and means to spread the old differences and create new ones. We are aware that Islamic unity and fraternity is the focus of attention of the Holy Legislator of Islam and is actually the major objective pursued by this Divine religion as firmed by the Qur'an, the "Sunnah", and the history of Islam.

For this reason, some people have been faced with this question: Wouldn't the compilation and publication of a book such as "al-Ghadir" which deals with the oldest issue of differences among the Muslims- create a barrier in the way of the sublime and lofty objective of the Islamic unity?

To answer this question, it is necessary first to elucidate the essence of this issue, that is, the Islamic unity, and then proceed to examine the role of the magnum opus entitled "al-Ghadir" and its eminent compiler 'Allamah Amini in bringing about Islamic unity.

Islamic Unity 

   For Details plz Click on this link 





Perfect Man

by : Ayatullah Morteza Motahhari

Translated by Aladdin Pazargadi
Edited by Shah Tariq Kamal

   Clik On this Link     اس لینک پر کلک کرین -


 Shi'ism Imamate and Wilayat

by : Sayyed Mohammad Rizvi

  Clik On this Link     اس لینک پر کلک کرین -
